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Catechist Formation Program - Separate Pages

"The formation of catechists is nothing other than an assistance for them in identifying with the living and actual awareness that the Church has of the Gospel, in order to make them capable of transmitting it in her name." General Directory for Catechesis, 236

About the Program

The Archdiocese of Toronto and Saint Monica Institute, in partnership with the Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation (VLCFF) at the University of Dayton, provides formation programs for those involved in catechetical ministry in the Archdiocese of Toronto. This includes those who are involved in Sacramental Preparation (both for children/teens and adults) but also in a variety of other ministries that are also catechetical. This includes, but is not limited to, liturgical ministers, ministers with maturing adults, ministers to the sick and homebound, family life ministers, stewardship committee members, and many more.

There are two program options:

  1. The 5 Course Program has a focus on Sacramental Preparation for children/teens or RCIA.
  2. The 4 Course Program has the option to allow the participant to take one course in an area more specific to their ministry. This includes Scripture, Liturgy, and Maturing Adults.

Each program has the same fundamental features, including:

  • Facilitated by archdiocesan staff
  • Paced, weekly online learning
  • Opportunities to share, learn, reflect, and pray with other catechists from other parishes in the Archdiocese of Toronto
  • Ongoing faith formation
  • Certificate of Completion

Prerequisites for both programs:

  • Approval of pastor (hard copy or by email)
  • $250 deposit that is refundable after the entire program is completed
  • Plus the cost of books

Fall Registration coming soon

Contact Details

If you have questions about the Archdiocesan Catechist Formation Program, please contact Constance Price, M.Div., Ph.D., Associate Director, Catechesis, at 416-934-3400, ext. 513 or cprice@archtoronto.org, or the Office of Formation for Discipleship at 416-934-3400, ext. 523 or formation@archtoronto.org.